One of our district's goals is to be as transparent as possible. We need to inform you of an incident that occurred on Friday, September 22. One of our lower level elementary students at Mountain View Elementary brought a P99 airsoft gun to school on Friday. The airsoft gun was hidden in his backpack. We were unaware it was on school grounds until after school ended. First thing this morning, the incident was handled according to the district's discipline policy. The student has been held accountable for the incident. We appreciate and respect an elementary student and their parent for bringing this to our attention over the weekend. The safety of our students and staff are our #1 priority. I want to thank the communities of Mountain View and Birch Tree for working together to keep our students and staff safe. Mrs. Tharp, Superintendent
LMS wants to give a huge shoutout to Connolly Insurance for being our academic achievement sponsor for the 2023-2024 school year. Throughout the school year, there are many opportunities to provide students with awards for their academic success and hard work. Ian and Nathan are excited to support our middle school students and their achievements! Thank you!
For this semester alone we have 55 students enrolled in 115 different dual credit courses. Our local Rotary Club are huge supporters of education and our students. Because they are an organization that serves others, one of their ways of serving is to invest in our future. They choose to help with some of the financial burdens that may be encounted for those students and families who are already working towards their futures.
All dual credit students were given an application for this scholarship. The Rotary Club chose to award a scholarship, paying for 1 dual credit course for each senior applicant. Congratulations to the follow Senior recipients,
Ava Greenan
Paige Hedden
Kallie Henry
Zara Hockman
Megan Kaut
Madison Matthews
Keele Murrow
Sydney Radford
Yadira Salinas- Rodriguez
Sukhraj Singh
Talan Stout
Maci Tharp
Dalton Vermillion
Grace Berkshire
Tatiana Chavez
Kaylie Foster
Adryan Holden
Reminder: School will not be in session on Monday.
![No school Monday](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5361942/large_oW7wW1jMjpLTTmfQQOhIVA.png)
We couldn't have had S'more fun than we did this week at LMS!
At the Board of Education meeting on September 21, Mrs. Renshaw recognized a few outstanding BTE students.
It was Centers Day in MVE 5th grade! Today they had some hands on centers that were all about mixtures and solutions!
While completing the activity Outrunning CeeLo in Mr. Tipton's class, students learned how fossil dinosaur tracks reveal the speed the dinosaur was running and if they could win a race against that dinosaur. To determine the winner, students compared the length of their running steps with the dinosaur's steps. Gavin and Landon, High School SAM students, helped the students calculate if they would win the race or out run the dinosaur. Sadly, none of the middle school students could; however, Gavin and Landon would have had a chance!
Today is Mike McAfee Day at MVBT. We love our Technology Director and have been celebrating him all day. Mr. McAfee takes excellent care of the technology at MVBT. Thank you, Mr. McAfee! We appreciate you!
If you have a child at BTE, MVE, or LMS, please join one of our Title I Informational meetings on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at our new central office, located at 502 N. Elm St., Mountain View. You can choose to attend a meeting at 4:00 or at 6:00. You also have the option to attend either time, using a Google Meet link. If you cannot attend one of the meetings or can't access the Google Meet link, but would like more information about our Title I program at MVBT, contact Mrs. Tharp, Superintendent, at 417-934-5408.
Title I Informational Meeting 4:00 and 6:00
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/atm-btvj-jik
Kam Wood wins the Edna Boyer golf tournament today in West Plains. JV football, JH volleyball and HS volleyball all in action tonight.
Liberty Middle School Parents and Students: Mark your calendars and get ready for our 1st quarter parent involvement night, Travel Through Time! We hope to see you on Oct. 10!
Ms. Cooper's kindergarten class discusses feelings with the help of play-doh.
![Ms. Cooper's Class](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5268382/large_GmRB1ORHQfnekVoxtwlSbQ.jpeg)
![Ms. Cooper's Class](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5268383/large_1yHFkzpeCoTroAmjURu-WA.jpeg)
![Ms. Cooper's Class](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5268386/large_4nlzKccI8SJIe23gq4infg.jpeg)
![Ms. Cooper's Class](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5268391/large_Y1HHAGKsBEf22cJHTVXBfA.jpeg)
![Ms. Cooper's Class](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5268395/large_0dLJAXAVPZfbTr_atH2O0w.jpeg)
![Ms. Cooper's Class](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5268397/large_Tpc1ibCWBqmRjJuHsI_mgw.jpeg)
![Ms. Cooper's Class](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5268399/large_mrar23vtfjrQHONxJB9qRQ.jpeg)
![Ms. Cooper's Class](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5268402/large_VX6VCbhgDIbdUYAWosLkkg.jpeg)
![Ms. Cooper's Class](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5268409/large_zEy1_jqudCP1LCBtEE65tw.jpeg)
![Ms. Cooper's Class](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5268412/large_TMW7qwWiQFmdf6ClAa-pKA.jpeg)
It's election season at MVE!
![STUCO Posters](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5267693/large_1d1V3_wCalaKsYob3N7zew.jpeg)
![STUCO Posters](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5267697/large_VhS44mCwNU1UMy4Jy7colQ.jpeg)
![STUCO Posters](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5267701/large_J6gznQjgJG5epl5P4a2l_g.jpeg)
![STUCO Posters](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5267706/large_MlGkxTPIaDMUSLZ5Jq_Zeg.jpeg)
The fun continues! From awesome iReady scores to picture day to science experiments, LMS is a great place to be. Next week will bring STUCO campaigning and our first 4-day week!
We are working hard for "Strive for Less than 5...students absent!" When this happens, we have some fun planned. We hope next week is the week it happens! Enjoy the long weekend and see you Tuesday!
Busy night for the Eagles, jh volleyball at Thayer, jh football at Willow and varsity volleyball here with Winona.
20% of the sales will be used to fund attendance incentives for MVBT students!
![Eagle Gear](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5241294/large_L1KXRVBFBnKzGHHUKhf8bA.png)
If anyone has been to home events lately and enjoyed the great atmosphere, clean music, and local advertisements, here is how you could be a part of it!
![GameTime Radio](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5231560/large_zY3JebZul-yWYPv4Ws6-tQ.jpeg)
Huge win tonight for Eagles Volleyball over Mountain Grove in 5 sets.
Here's another teacher in the spotlight for Teacher Proud Tuesday! This is Mrs. Randolph's first year as a classroom teacher. She was nominated by a parent who has this to say about her, "This is Ms. Randolph's first year. My child has come home multiple times already this year and said how much he loves school. She is an awesome and caring teacher." Ms. Randolph is also an LMS girls basketball coach.
![Ms. Randolph](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/5211920/large_UziTO-k7JNn0-Up2P1f3BA.png)